Stage 5 - Alka to Harbo

Distance: 16.4km
Elevation gain: 473m
Readiness: Low
Services: Homestays in Alka and Harbo

(Read more about hiking the trail here)

Homestay host in Alka: Tahir Salih Malla
Guide for Stage 5:
Tahir Salih Malla
Homestay host in Harbo:
Jalo Muhammad Faqi

Contact details and more information here

Trail Information:

This stage has only been scouted relatively recently by the ZMT team, and as with the second half of Stage 4, we advise that the exact best path may be within a corridor of 10-15 metres of the GPX track. For the most part this route stays at a similar elevation once it has climbed out of Alka village. There are beautiful views along the valley both east and west, and over he Great Zab River below. There are three villages close to the route, but the trail does not enter them, though there are paths down if desired - this also gives access to the road.

There may be shepherds on the slopes, and some small orchards, but for the most part the joy of this path are the expansive views, and the distance from any major roads or settlements. Be sure to carry enough water and food. In the village at the end of the stage, Harbo, there is a small shop and a homestay.


The ZMT team has provided the following information on the trail based on multiple visits over a number of years. However, actual trail conditions may be different at any given time, and the information here may no longer be accurate. The ZMT team urge you to contact the local service providers and hire a guide for your visit to the trail. Trail users are responsible for all decisions related to the route they choose, the weather conditions, and safety precautions. The ZMT is not responsible for any injury, illness or death that occurs on the trail.