Stage 13 - Choman to Halgurd Base

Distance: 16.3km
Elevation gain: 1,455m
Readiness: High
Services: Accommodation, restaurants, shop and tour operator in Choman. Camping and trips to climb Halgurd available. Mountain house accommodation available closeby.

(Read more about hiking the trail here)

Accommodation in Choman: Omar Chomani
Guide for Stage 13:
Omar Chomani
Camping at base camp, alternative accommodation and guiding to climb Halgurd:
Omar Chomani/VIKurdistan

Contact details and more information here

Trail Information:

This stage is all uphill, so be prepared! The route leaves Choman to the north, following a paved road out of the town for 5km. Then it joins a water channel, and leaves civilisation behind. Ahead are a wall of big mountains, and behind, the receding valley. The route jumps between 4x4 tracks and small paths, passing occasional remote homes and farm buildings, as well as streams, waterfalls and wild flowers. There is nowhere to resupply, so be sure to bring all the food and water that you need.

The path passes a sign for 2000m, but continues to climb. At around 2250m, there are also signs for an area of unexploded ordinance. Do not leave the trail here, and stick to the wide, clear 4x4 track. Finally, you will reach the old stone buildings that mark a one-time village, and a still-used camp for nomads. Above this flat, wide area is the imposing Halgurd mountain: the highest point in the Kurdistan Region, and in Iraq. This is the end of the trail! It is possible to camp here, and a local guide can arrange transport and supplies. You can also make plans to climb the mountain too. Note that when there is snow and ice, which is 9-10 months of the year, it requires some mountaineering experience. There are mines further up the mountain, so if you do this, only go with a trusted guide. Otherwise, enjoy the moment at the end of the trail, and return to Choman for a celebration. There is a mountain house a little outside the town available for rent with a barbeque, pool and other services. Guides can also arrange transport back to Erbil from here.


The ZMT team has provided the following information on the trail based on multiple visits over a number of years. However, actual trail conditions may be different at any given time, and the information here may no longer be accurate. The ZMT team urge you to contact the local service providers and hire a guide for your visit to the trail. Trail users are responsible for all decisions related to the route they choose, the weather conditions, and safety precautions. The ZMT is not responsible for any injury, illness or death that occurs on the trail.